Success per mouse click
Experts for online shops
Online shopping is a fast business in a growing market. A few mouse clicks, and the sale is complete. You deliver the ordered goods as bound by contract. But your customers do not pay, and you bear the entire risk. So that you are not additionally burdened by the collection proceedings, we work according to a model which guarantees that no additional costs arise for you.
Our dunning system works quickly, reliably and successfully
ETI experts erzielt mit seinem Mahnsystem eine überdurchschnittliche Erfolgsquote. Aufeinander aufbauende Mahnstufen With its dunning process, ETI experts aims at a success rate that is above average. Dunning levels that build on each other secure an effective collection procedure. With each step, we get closer to realising your claim. You can look up the current measure taken at any time via your protected client login.
More information here.
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